The Convention and What Next

I’ve been attending Science Fiction conventions since the 1980’s. I’ve only actually gone to four of them, but I’ve gone multiple times.

At first I was all over the “Writer’s Track” at the conventions. I was convinced I would learn something deep and meaningful at some panel or another. And I did pick up a few tips here and there, but for the most part, it’s just a handful of writers talking about writing. I’ve learned as much or more in the less formal setting of the hospitality room or the nearest bar with the same authors shooting the breeze.

After a while it all kind of blurs together. The same kinds of people crack the same kinds of jokes over and over. It’s fun, but I don’t really care if I miss a few.

So this year I spent it as a volunteer. I love doing volunteer work. It gives me something to do, makes me feel valued, and lets people get to know me without my having to speak up.

This particular convention focuses on writers, gamers (Dungeons and Dragons type), and costumes. There’s a merchants room where they sell books, jewelry, costumes, etc. There was a curry potluck, and “pulled orc” for sale. There were mock battles like the one in the picture. It was small, but had a bit of everything. I consider it a very well rounded SF convention.

But now it’s time for me to finish revising my current WIP. My assistant is expecting me to hand it over for proof reading in a week.


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