Move Your Lazy Butt

Jill: What do you think you’re doing?

Jack: Relaxing. I had a long day at work.

Jill: So did I, but I’ve done the dishes, started the laundry, cooked supper, and walked the dog. You promised a week ago you would get the air conditioner out of the window. When are you going to do it?

Jack: but….

Jill: It has to be done before your family comes next week.

Jack: But the game’s on. Give me a break.

Jill: Break time is over. Go do it now or you can sleep on the couch!

Jack: *grumble, grumble, grumble* (Gets up and goes to deal with the air conditioner)

Jill: Aaaaaaahhhh. Much better.

Today’s theme is lazy
Previously in Jack and Jill Oh, Yeah?

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