13 Places to Pee

I meant to do this weeks ago when someone first asked me. Sorry for the delay. As I mentioned before, it can be a little hard to find a place to go in Mongolia. Here are a few of the ones I spotted.

1.  This was at the back of a yard connected to a shop along a highway. It’s as close to a rest area as I saw.

2. Fanciest toilet I’ve ever been on. This was in our hotel rooms in Ulaanbaatar. It had a built in bidet including dryer. I really wanted to take it home with me.

3. Even the public bathrooms in that hotel were nice.

4. Someone’s yard in Ulaanbaatar.

5. I’m not entirely sure it was, but I couldn’t think what else it might be. It was up the hill from the Horse Family’s ger.

6. The Kahzak family’s accomodations.

7. No, not the bushes – although that does happen. This was at the meditation temple.

8. The men’s John in a restaurant in Moron. I got desperate and slipped in when the women’s line still had three ahead of me and there was no one on the guy’s side. Notice the strange inner workings. All the toilets there had two buttons at the top that you press to flush rather than a handle on the side. Each button activates a different valve, so you can control how much water is used.

9.The door to the bathroom at the ger camp on the lake. Inside was the usual metal stalls for public restrooms. Could be anywhere except for the maids who directed you to the stall of their choice and the sink of their choice and then expected a tip.

10. Two of them before a hike in to the slot canyons.

11. The Camel Family’s set up. You stand on the concrete slabs and aim for the slot.

12. Gobi Desert outside a museum. Same set up inside as the Camel Family. Only the drop was about ten feet. I almost lost my camera when it tried to pop out of my back pocket at an inopportune moment.

13. This one’s going to take some explanation. I’m standing in the hotel room in Beijing, taking a picture of the bathroom through the window between the bathroom and the rest of the room. Notice the shades? Didn’t cut it.


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