Snack Time

After our walk around Kasongan Village we went to our hotel. Despite all the pictures I took, I have very little to show of the various places we stayed. More is the pity, as we stayed in some wonderful hotels. Often the decorations were wonderful. More often than not there would be something to eat in our room.

I’m not talking a wafer thin chocolate here. I mean mostly fruit. I’m sure your recognize most of what’s in the picture at the top. Grapes, an apple, and the bananas. Several times we were given bananas which were about a third the length I generally find in the grocery store, but tasted the same otherwise.

Can you guess what the one on the right of the bananas is? How about what’s in the tray on the far right?

The brown scaly fruit is called dragon fruit. The outside is very thin and scaly. The inside always has three sections. It’s sweet and a touch floral and a bit nutty. Yum!!! I tried to import some seed, but they all split in the suitcase. I guess radiation will do that to a seed. Just as well. The trees are even more intimidating than the fruit since it’s covered long thorns. With my cold, long winters I didn’t have much of a chance anyway.

That isn’t sushi in the tray to the far right. It’s a candy made to look like sushi. We didn’t realize that for over a day and so didn’t eat it at first. Then I couldn’t because of the chocolate. Oh well. I was on a diet anyway.

Speaking of which, I haven’t lost any more weight, but I haven’t gained it back either. I’m so proud of me. I have every intention of counting the calories again. Yep. Any day now….


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