Happy Memorial Day

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I had planned on putting up a post with this title and pictures of Indonesian graves. They do things a little different there than you might find in USA. Didn’t happen.

Part of it might have to do with the day job, but a lot of it had to do with my hosting company – Blue Host. My web site was dead in the water for the better part of the week.

It seems to trace back to a new bit of software intended to improve site security. Instead it just seemed to slow everything to a crawl. I went to the host’s site to put in a “ticket” to get it fixed. They had taken that option away. Now if you want help you have to phone or chat session with them.

They did some tweaking of some unspecified variety. It seemed to help, but hardly cleared everything up. At the end of the chat they suggested I get my systems personnel to handle the problem.

Sadly, I am the systems personnel. I don’t have a staff. I have to do it the hard way. That being the case… anyone know a good alternative to Blue Host?


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