Alaskan Clydesdale ?


This is the sort of thing I usually do on Mondays because it’s one of those forwarded email things, but I’m wondering what you think, so here it is on Talk To Me Tuesday. Here’s what I originally received along with the picture above:

> Only in Alaska……. This guy raised an abandoned moose calf with his horses, and believe it or not, he has trained it for lumber removal and other hauling tasks. Given the 2,000 pounds of robust muscle, and the splayed, grippy hooves, he claims it is the best work animal he has.
> He says the secret to keeping the moose around is a sweet salt lick, although, during the rut he disappears for a couple of weeks, but always comes home….. Impressive !!
> Bound to be someone out there that will raise some issues with this treatment of a wild animal.
> To them I say. “If the Moose keeps coming back, what’s the problem?”

So, what do you think? Is the guy asking for trouble? Is this like the first stage in domestication? It is natural or wrong?


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