One Track Mind

Edmund liked to walk on railroad tracks. Like stacking stones, each step takes concentration. To fail is to fall. Each not-fall is a victory. Edmund didn’t have a lot of victories in life. He treasured each one, not even daring to look up from the tracks to see where he was.

He walked until he heard the train whistle. Oh, right – tracks were for trains, not little boys. Edmund stepped off the tracks, making room for the train to pass. But that wasn’t a failure. Right?

The Challenge: Write a story in 100 words or less
The Challenger (Hub): Rochelle Wisoff-Fields
The Photo Credit: Dawn M. Miller

Breadcrumbs: If you leave a link in my comments to the post where you rose to the challenge, then I will be sure to comment. If it’s hard to find you, I’ll assume you don’t want a visit.
Also, please be patient with my slow comment form.


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