Cat Burglar

He ninja crawled across the bedroom in the dark of night, squeezed through a too-small gap in the window, nearly lost the bag of stolen jewelry when it hung up on a tree branch, and dropped two stories to the seat of his Vespa. Alley cats scattered. He kick started the Vespa, but only made it a few feet on flat tires.

Laughter came from the window above.

“You win!” His friend called down from the window. “You would have made a great cat burglar. Except one thing. Those are all paste. The real jewels were under my mattress.”

The Challenge: Write a story in 100 words or less
The Challenger (Hub): Rochelle Wisoff-Fields
The Photo Credit: CEAyr

Breadcrumbs: If you leave a link in my comments to the post where you rose to the challenge, then I will be sure to comment. If it’s hard to find you, I’ll assume you don’t want a visit.
Also, please be patient with my slow comment form.


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