T-13: Things to Do With Your Fingers

Featured post: http://www.thestraws.net/2009/03/12/thursday-thirteen-2/ and
http://www.thestraws.net/2009/03/05/thursday-thirteen/ These are the T13 posts I tried to feature last week but couldn’t find the links for.

Here are thirteen things you can do with your fingers, including some suggestions from my kids.

1. Poke people. This is The Girl’s suggestion. She greatly enjoys poking people, especially if it annoys them.

2. Turn off light switches. My son loves to do this, particularly when I need the light.

3. Type. I guess these days it’s called keyboarding. That’s what I do for most of the day.

4. Play video games, what The Boy prefers to do all day.

5. Homework. The kids disagree, but that’s just tough.

6. Test bread to see if it’s done.

7. Wave bye-bye. The kids tend to come and go a lot.

8. Press the keys on a cell phone. If only they were calling to tell me where they were and what they were doing.

9. Turn the pages of a book. I’m reading Three in Death by J.D. Robb. What are you reading?

10. Test the soil in the houseplants to see if they need to be watered.

11. Test the depth of the snow. Actually, it’s more like a pile of hailstones that built up this morning.

12. Break up the clumps in the brown sugar jar.

13. Plug my ears when the radio gets turned to full blast. It’s easier than yelling at the kids to turn it down.

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