T13: Thirteen Stray Thoughts

My pick of last week’s T13’s is Angel’s list of what she would say to her teenage self.

In case you didn’t see my notice in my comment last week, I’ve been having a lot of trouble with Blogger lately. There are some blogs that won’t let me comment at all. There seems to be a pattern to it, but Im not sure what it is yet, just that a pop up captcha does it every time. If I can’t comment on yours, I’m sorry.

This is just what’s on my mind.

1. What was it the boy said this morning? I need to start another one of those “things my kids said” lists. Otherwise I’ll never remember this great stuff. Oh, yeah, now I remember:

2. “Mom, I know what super power you would have if you could have one. The ability to close the refrigerator door with just your mind.” Apparently words aren’t enough.

3. Got one set of taxes emailed, another efiled, and the last dropped in the mail today. Why doesn’t if feel like I got anything done?

4. I should write something. I always feel worth while when I’m writing.

5. Except I’m already way late on closing Patrica McLinn’s contest.

6. I’d be done now if I hadn’t lost the stupid file. So now I’m scrambling to recover data.

7. As soon as that’s done I should I need to revise Moving In and get it back to my editor.

8. But I also need to subit that query for Zackly Right, which is way over due.

9. Every time I think about that query I cringe.

10. Is it even possible to make a good query for that particular book? I’m beginning to think not.

11. The Boy wants to quit school and get a regular job right now. He’s in Jr. High. He admits he can’t stand to plan ahead. What am I going to do with him?

12. I need to write Suzie’s House for tomorrow.

13. And to finish this list. Wonder what I’ll do first.

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More Thursday Thirteen participants can be found here
And here.

As always, I welcome the link to your Thursday Thirteen in my comments as well as in Mr. Linky.

On a limb with Claudia
Ms Menozzi
Angeleque Ford
Mozi Esme
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Happily Retired Gal


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