More on Sewing Machines

Grace out of the Box.  Yeah, I'm going to have fun with the name.

I’m afraid I haven’t made it down to JoAnne’s for that photo of the bars. I’ll try again today. They literally have the machines behind bars. They are also set so high it isn’t possible to test run them. Seriously, you get as much help shopping for a sewing machine there as you would from Wal Mart.

Seems around here sewing machines just naturally get sold along with janitorial supplies. The place I got my Baby Lock (yes, I got it) is like that. So is another place I looked, and the last in town, which had apparently gone out of business.

When I went back to the place with the Baby Locks, I went prepared. I had fabric scraps from projects I remembered offered particular challenges. I asked if I could play, and they said yes. In the course of an hour or two I tried out three different machines. I poked at Audrey, but as much as I love the idea of a free spirit sewing machine, I decided I’d rather be one than own one. It traded off to many of the features I liked for durability.

I went back already knowing that Natalie wasn’t going to cut it. I’d have to move up to Marie at least. When I walked out, it was with Grace. Hey, they had a sale! What can I say?

The owner is the one who sold me on it. Frankly, the fantastic way he did it was very simple. He taught me to use the machines, one after the other. He showed me what each of the presser feet does, and how to get each of the stitches. With the help of Grace I got the all time best top stitch of my life! Seriously, this sucker made a perfect line less than an eighth of an inch from the edge. My stitch in the ditch wasn’t as good, but I was doing lace over velvet. You gotta expect the stiches to show when you pull on the lace.

They only had the demo model there, and most of the millage on it I put there myself, so I took it. Am I the only one who thinks it was funny that they had to work hard to find the box so I could go home with Grace in a box? Sounds like a band, doesn’t it? All I can say is the staff was great for putting up with me.

After the sale was made and I was ready to go, the owner lured me over to look at one last machine. It was no where near my price range, which is why he didn’t show me before. The brand name was some TV personality who does a quilting show on PBS. If you quilt you would probably recognize the name right off, but like I said, I’m not that kind of quilter.

This sucker was sweet!!! He had me stitching at 45 degree angles backward! Everything was right there at the touch of a button, even the lift on the presser foot. The only thing it didn’t do was embroidery. Yeah, I don’t really need all that anyway. I walked out with Grace in a box. Who could ask for more?

Oh, and if you end up at Bob’s Sew and Vac, tell him Alice sent you. They won’t know what you’re talking about but I’ll feel important. *grin*

Update: I finally got back to JoAnnes and got the pix. What do you think? Would you buy here?

Seriously, do they really expect us to drop that kind of money when we can't see how the machines run?  At least they do offer a 90 day warranty.  But the demo they had on top of the shelving fell apart with a finger poke.


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