104 Submissions in a Year

I’m going for it.

I have little control over being accepted. Even if I do my very best work both on my manuscripts and on my queries there is no guarantee I will even be read, let alone offered a contract. I’ve been letting this lack of control hold me back.

No more!

A while back Shelly Munro said she had a deal with a friend to see who could pile up the most rejections. The one with the most won dinner out with the other. This kept them both submitting in spite of the pain.

I have no partner in crime for this, but I can do something else. I’m going to send off two queries a week for the next year. I was going to send a query a day for 365 days, but thinking about it made me too tired. It would mean a lot of polishing.

Who knows? With any luck I might even find the motivation to do more writing.

Want to know how I’m doing over the course of the year? I’m going to tweet it in my side bar. At the end of the year I’ll let you know how it all went. in one summary post. Wish me luck!


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