T13- IRL – a poem


This is a poem in 13 lines, inspired by The Walking Man among other things.

1. The universe
2. comes leaping from an ashtray; intact, bountiful, wedged
3. between metered lines.
4. From politics to silly tricks
5. the mind
6. runs around the world while leaving behind
7. aging, slovenly bones.
8. Outside,
9. the real is distanced
10. by the search for groceries, children, the mail.
11. Square kilometers force time and boredom.
12. Inside
13. a modem makes it real.

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More Thursday Thirteen participants can be found here

And here.
As always, I welcome the link to your Thursday Thirteen in my comments as well as in Mr. Linky.

I am also doing a Flash 55 with this one.

This weeks T13 pick: Krissy with a list of WordPress plug ins I plan to use.


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