13 Tweets

I’m still getting used to Twitter.  There are these hash tag things over there.  You put in a # and then the name of a group or topic, and your tweet gets included with anyone else tweeting on the topic or to the group.  To access them you search for that # and name.  There’s probably a better way, but I haven’t figured it out yet.  Anyway, I bumped into the hash tab #haveyouever, and this is what I found.

(They all start with #HaveYouEver)

1.  Had your mind read? No? Might be time then…

2.  walked out of the bathroom with your skirt stuck in your pantyhose and u showing ya azz!!!

3. dumped someone only to realize afterwards you love them.

4. gotten your ass kicked at Guitar Hero/Rock Band by someone over half your age?

5. text so much you started catching a cramp in your thumbs?

6. cussed under your breath at someone and they heard it?

7.  been so hungry you made up a new meal that would be nasty any other time, but it was delicious because you were hungry?

8. treated yourself to a slice of the cake on the kitchen tbl only to discover it was meant for the neighbour’s surprise bday pty?

9.  looked @ a chick’s raggedy weave and wondered how could their real hair look worse than that?

10. wondered why the trending topics become so trendy?

11. danced with a broom?

12. took a piss in the street?

13. made the most ungodly belch leave your lips only leaving passers by wondering from whence it came? Surely not the petit blonde!

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More Thursday Thirteen participants can be found here
And here.
As always, I welcome the link to your Thursday Thirteen in my comments as well as in Mr. Linky.

Susan Helene Gottfried
Stephanie Adkins
Old Mason Jar
Happily Retired Gal


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