I’m going to try and make a few changes to my blog and my web site over the next few weeks. Since I know little or nothing about the process, this could be a problem. No doubt the web site will disappear, and things will look a bit odd. Since I will also be traveling at this time, I may not be able to fix it.

I’ll still be around to visit as much as I can, and I still value your comments. I’m just a little preoccupied right now.

Edited 9:27am 6/22/09 to add:

Let me clarify a couple of things. I’m not traveling for a couple weeks yet, and have high hopes of finding wireless wherever I go. Once I start, it’ll be a while. I’m going to visit my mother first, then to Baja Mexico, then to the Romance Writers of America National Convention in Washington DC, then home for a little while, then off to Wisconsin to see my dieing in laws.

The thing I’m worried most about isn’t the change in look. It’s the change in URL. I’m moving the blog out of WordPress.com and onto my host site. Any links you have coming in to me will break. Worse, if I mess this up, which I probably will, then my site will break. Hopefully not completely, hopefully not all at once, and hopefully not for very long because all the backup I tried to line up caved on me. That’s more hope then I have right now.

One way or another I WILL be back. You will eventually be able to find me under www.AliceAudrey.com.

I ask you forgiveness for the mess in the meanwhile.



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