The Guardian by Angela Knight

I’m giving away a copy of Guardian by Angela Knight in a random drawing from anyone who says they are interested in the comments on this post. I’ll announce the winner on Wednesday.

This is from the pile of books I brought home from the National Romance Writer’s of America convention. It’s a Paranormal Romance put out by Berkley. If you get into this kind of thing, you’ll like it.

The Heroine, Riane Arvid, is a time cop. She chases after a pack of religious fanatics enamored with a demon they created with – well, that might be giving too much away. Anyway, when she’s a little girl these fanatics, who are called the Xeran, kidnap her for nefarious purposes. Nick Wyatt, uses the power in his magic arm band to help save her. At the time he was living a few centuries before her.

They both grow up to be tough fighting machines desperately battling Xerans, him in the early 21st century, her all through time but mostly on Earth. A Xeran plot sabotages her equipment, stranding her in his time. From there the plot thickens.

Anyway, I give it a thumbs up.

Congratulations, Caron! I’ll be in touch soon.


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