Update on Mr. Al

So what did he decide? He picked something completely off the list! (grumble, grumble) He decided to write about Marie Antoinette’s mother. Apparently she managed to pull of some pretty snazzy statesmanship.

He’s only just started research on her, but thinks it will probably take as long to cover her life as he spent on George IV. I’m giving him until the second week of January to get his first post to me. Don’t tell him I said so. I said told him I wanted to post it the first week of January, but I don’t think he realizes that means he has to give it to me over the Christmas break.

He’s also picked a mistress of George IV to do a one-shot with some time in the next couple of weeks. I was hoping I’d have it this week, but now I’m guessing the week after next. He gave me the name of the mistress in question, but I’m afraid it went in one ear and out the other. Hey, I was busy writing a book at the time.

In the meanwhile I’ll do my best to fill the Wednesday void until he’s ready again. I’m thinking I might do something on underwear.


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