13 Icy Days

I’m used to snow. Ice? Not so much. So the weather we’ve been having lately is starting to get to me. I don’t know if it’s really been 13 days, but here are at least 13 interactions with icy days:

1. The river has almost frozen over. (See Thursday’s and Friday’s 365 posts) It’s beautiful, but you know if that much running water can freeze it’s been too cold for too long.

2. Tuesday the school called for a 2 hour delay in starting due to icy roads.

3. I tried to walk to the river to get pictures of the pretty ice, but the sidewalks were so slippery I ended up ice skating in my sneakers. Good thing they delayed school for two hours.

4. Too bad they didn’t bother to send the busses around to pick up the kids two hours later, so all those parents ended up on the ice-rink roads taking their kids to school.

5. Monday I drove the kids to school because we woke up late. (My fault. I blew off my alarm clock and they use me instead of their own alarm clocks even though they’ve had their own alarm clocks for years now.) I discovered how icy the roads were when my anti-lock breaks kicked in at the first intersection. I’m thinking the stupid anti-locks are more dangerous than regular breaks, cause we slid right into the intersection anyway. Good thing no cars were coming.

6. All the ice makes for some pretty windshields.

7. Unless you’re driving.

8. Which I did again Wednesday morning when The Boy overslept and missed the bus. This time I almost slid completely off the road. Luckily it was a back street with little traffic and the yard I landed in was a good spot for it. Spinning my tires getting out wasn’t so much fun, but at least I didn’t need a push.

9. The ice is doing funny things. For instance, it made my wooden porch steps treacherous.

10. Much like last Thursday when I tried to go for a walk and get some exercise and discovered it was safer to walk on those sidewalks that hadn’t been cleared than the ones that had.

11. Why? Because the ice on the snow merely crunches under foot, but the ice directly on the sidewalk will send you flying.

12. Earlier last week the roads developed fascinating sheets of ice. No, really. They were all lumpy, like a lava flow. My sidewalk developed footprints of ice.

13. This is because it snowed, the snow turned to slush, people walked and drove on the roads etc, then in the course of a few hours everything froze solid. And has stayed that way ever since.

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Mary Quast
Paige Tyler


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