FanLit Forever Turns One

That’s right.  The FanLit Forever board opened it’s doors on November 1st 2006.

 We all came out of the Avon FanLit contest, what many refer to as “the FanLit experience.”  That contest was unlike any other.  There was so much excitement and so many seriously cool people.  Everything happened so fast.  There was scandal and intrigue and a lot of good, honest, decent people doing their best.  Many of the contestants discovered their latent interest in writing in the process.

 You could see the end coming right from the beginning.  The contest ran on schedule.  Even before the last vote was tabulated, people were leaving.  I didn’t want it to end.  I was learning so much about my writing and felt with a little more time and effort I might achieve an epiphany.

So I set up a Yahoo! group and announced it’s existence on the Avon boards.  In less than a week I could already see there were too many of us with too much to say for Yahoo! to accommodate us.  We needed a board.  I asked for help on the Yahoo! group and got it.

 ChrisJournal offered web space and technical know how if I would set up the basic structure, which I was more than happy to do.  On November 1st we opened the our doors, and the newly made board flooded with FanLitters.  Every single person who signed up for the Yahoo! group moved to the board.

We already had our first round of our own version of Avon’s contest in progress.  Since then we have run nine rounds.  We have come to know one another better, progressed in our writing efforts, and formed a community.

One year later, we’re in the mood to party.  Let me tell you, when the FanLitter’s party, they do it right!

Come back Thursday and I’ll tell you what they are up to. 



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