
I can’t remember the last time I bought a computer. I’m guessing my desktop is about eight years old. Might only be six or seven, but I’m thinking eight. It’s a Dell running Windows XP. I’ve had the hard drive wiped once, and looked like I’d need to have it done again. We’re talking about geek work here. It would cost me easily over $100 to have it done. If it weren’t for some weird wiring involving the floppy drive (Yes, I said floppy. It has a 3 1/2 inch floppy drive as it’s A drive) I could do it myself.

On the off chance I might find a better solution, I went surfing the internet for new computers. Guess what I found? A miniature desktop. 8″x8″. It as a TERAbye of memory. I haven’t even used up the 30 gigs that came with my old desktop and here we are talking about 1,000 gigs? Hoooboy! It has a dual core processor and comes with Windows Vista. And it costs less than $300, shipping included. Express shipping included.

It’s supposed to come today.

I can’t wait!

How old is your desktop? How often do you replace them? Do you even bother with a desktop, or just have a laptop?


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