By George! It’s a Wedding!

When we left off – a couple of weeks ago – Prince George the Fourth had finally convinced Mrs. Fitzherbert to be his wife.  Mr. Fox was not ammused.

                                                         Nightlife in London in the 1780's

The Prince decided to alleviate his friend’s fears by doing what he did best. He lied like a thief in a letter to Fox stating that he had no intentions of marrying Mrs. Fitzherbert. It would never happen. Scouts honor. Before Fox had even received the letter, the search was on for a Church of England parson to do the deed.

The trouble with getting such a gentleman was that any parson performing that particular ceremony (marriage) for that particular individual (Prinny) in those particular circumstances (without dad’s permission) would be guilty of a felony. In the prisons of 18th century London, a felony conviction was as good as a death sentence.

In the end his Highness had to turn to someone who was already in prison. The Rev John Bart was doing time in Fleet prison for debt. The Prince offered to spring him immediately and find him a job. He also promised to give him 500 pounds and make him a bishop!….after he became king.

Mister Bart apparently didn’t realize that doing what the Prince wanted him to do would virtually guarantee that his highness would never become king. It would also guarantee Mister Bart a return trip to Fleet. Oh well, it’s the fine print that always trips people up. On the evening of December 15, 1785 His Royal Highness, The Prince of Wales wedded Mrs. Maria Fitzherbert. The witnesses were Maria’s uncle, her younger brother and a couple of the Princes most trusted drinking buddies.

The lovebugs went off to Ormeley Lodge for a week’s honeymoon. Then it was back to London for the Christmas season. There were a few people that the Prince had confided in about the marriage. Closest friends who could be trusted to take his Highness’s secret to the grave. They swore never to tell a soul. Before one could say,  “Merry Christmas”, all of London was buzzing with rumors.

Said the Marquess of Lothian, “I am very sorry for it, it does him infinite mischief, particularly amongst the trading and lower sort of people, and if true must ruin him in every light.” It’s not likely that his Highness was gravely concerned with what the Lower Sorts had to say about him. Or anyone else for that matter. He had done the one thing that would finally get his Beloved Maria to have sex with him! Merry Christmas indeed!

Unfortunately for the Prince, his secret marriage wasn’t his only problem. He had managed to pile up more debts. Much of it from his redecorating of Carlton house. Before continuing, the question of the Prince’s debts needs closer scrutiny. Just as the Prince was different from all other gentlemen, so were his debts. And, as we shall see, he received very special treatment from his creditors.

– Mr. Al


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