A Little Change Here and There

As you may have noticed, I posted my recipe yesterday instead of today.  This is a permanent change.

I’m going to make some other changes too. 

Saturdays are going to be photo days for me, which generally means Gerbil TV. 

I’m calling Mondays Monday Madness and will be posting stuff from the mailbag, guests bloggers other than Mr. Al, games, and whatever else comes to mind.

Tuesdays will be Talk To Me Tuesday.  It’s a space for all of us to talk about what we’re doing and what’s on our minds; a place to post off topic stuff all week long.

Mr. Al will still be here every Wednesday.  I’ll still be posting Thursday 13 most Thursdays, and Suzie’s House will still appear every Friday.

Eventually I may be adding a feature called Fiction Fridays in which I will link to other people who have posted a piece of fiction sometime during the week.

Various news or snippets may be posted on top of these so that more than one post will go up on a given day, but I hope to keep that to a minimum as I find bloggers who blog all day long overwhelming.

In the grand scheme of things it’s just a little change.  I hope you enjoy everything you’ll find in Alice’s Restaurant.


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