Thursday Thirteen15: Places to Say I Love You

For my hubby 


1. In a fancy restaurant with lace table cloths, candles and flowers – much like Alice’s Restaurant.  What?  They don’t offer banana smoothies and burlap at fancy restaurants?  Humph.

2. In a blog.  Hey, it could happen.  Hint, hint, Mr. Al.  *furiously batting eyes at dear hubby.*  Oh never mind.  He only ever reads the blog to answer questions from his history thing on Wednesdays.

3.  On a hillside overlooking town.  But maybe not in February when you can cause an avalanche.  Still, it was fun in the summer.

4.  In the bathroom with the door closed and the kids on the other side.  Hey, it’s the only door that locks.

5.  In the grocery store while sharing a cart.  Get your mind out of the gutter, I just mean it’s fun to shop together.  You know, that should be a husband test.  If you can’t enjoy a shopping trip together, don’t marry him.

6.  At the alter.  Talking about marriage made me think of it.

7.  At the movie theater, but no kissing.  That’ll get you into trouble.  A smile and a squeeze of the hand will do until the lights are out.

8.  In the car while driving cross country through a blizzard when everyone is tense and you realize life can be very, very short.  I know it doesn’t sound like a good place, but it actually turned out fine.

9.  On a beach in Jamaica.  Hey, I can dream, can’t I?

10.  On a beach in Hawaii.  Actually, I hadn’t met him yet, but it would have been a good one, don’t you think?

11.  On the Great Wall of China.  See 10.

12.  Under the mistletoe at Grandma’s house over Christmas.  I’m so glad they got to meet before she passed away.

13.  Anytime, anywhere, Baby.  You listening Mr. Al?  Cause if you aren’t I’m going to make you get online and read this.

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