13 Signs of Summer

Totally Random Picture:

You know it’s Summer When:

1. Listening to the neighbor’s dog take a dump is more comfortable than closing the window and letting the temperature climb.

2. You accidentally memorize the names of all the pets and children within yelling range.

3. You learn the musical preferences of everyone who drives past.

4. You don’t think twice about sharing your musical preferences as you drive. Unless the car’s AC works better than rolling down the window.

5. Shooting off fireworks from a mall parking lot seems like a good idea.

6. Running fully clothed through a sprinkler seems like a good idea.

7. Freezing slices of watermelon seems like a good idea.

8. Unless you make the mistake of taking the frozen slices out of the freezer too soon.

9. You find mushy, thawed watermelon slices behind the easy chair.

10. And it wasn’t the kids who left it there.

11. The goldfish look like they are melting.

12. The houseplants are getting too much sun.

13. You get so lazy you can’t even come up with a list of 13 things.


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