Gourmet SPAM

As those of you who read my Thursday post know, my family and I stopped off at The SPAM Museum during our vacation a few weeks ago. It is quite the wild and crazy place. The entire way through, we were told there were a couple of flavors of SPAM that could only be purchased at The SPAM Museum. These specialty/collector’s items were not for the general public, but only special people like us savvy enough to come drifting in from the highway when we saw the billboards.

I purchased the Garlic and Mr. Al selected the Hot and Spicy. Actually, we were served several samples of the Hot and Spicy as we went. Still, even if we hadn’t already decided it was good, Mr. Al would have gotten it. It has his all time favorite seasoning – Tabasco.

The whole time I was getting my SPAM I was thinking about the gimmick of it. I mean really, collector’s SPAM? They were kidding, right? Right? And yet there I was going out of my way to find the stuff. Although I like SPAM, I’m hardly a collector. I suckered in on the elitism of it.

Would you have?


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