Echo of a Whisper

Whenever I edit in wordpress, I end up with strange formatting.  Not that my formatting comes out the way I want anyway, but the more names I add, the stranger it gets.  So I am listing those who are participating in the Whisper
meme here:

1. Andi Unhinged
2. Renee Renee Lynn Scott
3. Sasha Looking for the Right Word
4. Kelly Delusions of Grandeur
5. Heather Phoenex Hearse
6. Ian The Popcorn Principle
7. Lyza Lynn Shell Game
8. John Wayne’s Girl John Wayne’s Girl
9. sghoul Oozings From My Mind
10. Kathleen Oxley Kathleen Oxley Erotica: More Than a Promise
11. Kaige Impulsive Hearts
12. Kelsey Simmons Kelsey Simmons Normally Paranormal
13. A. Catherine Noon A. Catherine Noon
14. Bethanne Strasser Romance in Writing
15. Eaton Bennett Passionate Fiction
16. Jennifer Shirk Me, My Muse and I
17. Fionn Jameson Fionn Jameson
18. Ally Kendall Tangled Up in Words and Life
19. Todd Elliot Philosophically Broken




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