Lawn Ornament

Mr. Al comes home with all kinds of odd things. This pink flamingo stands about four feet tall, and is wired for lights. The lights don’t work, but Mr. Al naively seems to think he, or someone entirely too near and dear to him, can fix it.

Yeah, so maybe I could if I put my mind to it, but then what? Put it in the yard?

I actually get a kick out of pink flamingos when they are done right – like say a hundred of them in a yard, or a bunch knocked over, or one really awful…. hmmm……

Right now this sucker is sitting in the corner of our porch. I’m thinking it might disappear into the trash, or it might appear riding in the back of a miniature truck, or it might join the 1950’s hair dresser chairs in the storage unit.

If this turned up in your household, what would you do?


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