Thursday Thirteen 31: Contests, Real and Imaginary

Alice\'s view

1. Whisper. What do you think? Too complicated?

2. Watermelon seed spitting. I have a friend who says her brother once spit a seed over the roof of the house. Knowing her brother, I believe her.

3. Unicorn duels. No way I could come up with 13 without making up a few.

4. The TriWizard Tournament. Actually, if I include ones other people made up I can do it easily. I’m all for easy.

5. Avon FanLit. Those who entered it almost two years ago better go back to the site and copy out any comments you want to keep because they are going to delete the site soon.

6. The RITA contest, which will only mean something to you if you’re into Romance novels.

7. FieldReport is offering $20,000 1st place prize and a bunch of other prizes in a true story contest, if you have the time for it.

8. Fire Fighting Robot contest. I don’t know why this appeals to me so much.

9. Yack riding contest. I’m sure there is one somewhere.

10. FanLit Forever has regular rounds. No prize but pride, but it’s still fun.

11. American Title Contest, of which my friend Helen Scott Taylor was the winner. Yay Helen!

12. Rodeo Clowns on Teeter Totters.

Warning – this clip contains rough language and bull violence.

13. Girl Scout Cookies. I offer them for commenting on certain days of my blog. I have two boxes left, so keep a look out for them.


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