Lesson Learned

Jill: All right. From the beginning. What happened?

Jack: Weeeeell…. Gin, Tonic, and I were sitting on the couch when you walked by.

Jack: I got it into my head to sneak up on you.

Jill: Pft. That just figures. But what went boom?

Jack: I guess Gin and Tonic wanted to protect you. They jumped me.

Jill: Awww. Good kitty. Good doggy. But how did that go boom?

Jack: We got into a tussle, and fell over the back of the couch…

… which would have been bad enough by itself, but then the couch flipped and landed on top of us. At first I thought the couch was chewing on my foot, but it turned out to be Tonic.

Jack: And you know all about the rest: how you got us loose, and Gin and Tonic wouldn’t let me up, and everything.

Jill: What did you learn from all this?

Jack: We need to get rid of that couch.

Today’s theme is Education
Previously in Jack and Jill: Fur Coat

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While you’re at it, check out the rest of the posts from this arc:


Rumblerumblerumble Skreee

Munch, Munch, Munch

Stand Tall or Not at All

Fur Coat


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