The Serialists of July 27th

I’m back! I hope you all are too.

This week I am featuring Ann Pino, who just joined us in this meme. She writes post apocalyptic science fiction. I greatly enjoyed her Steal Tomorrow posts, both the completed novel which can be found here, and the outtakes such as she linked to in the previous Serialist post. Welcome, Ann!

What have you been up to lately? Writing any serials? If so, please link directly to the episodes you’d like us to read.

If you are just joining us, and would like to direct our attention to an older work, I ask that you do not link to every post in the series, but pick one or two for this week, and others for future weeks.

Also, I’d like to feature Julia again this week for her contributions while I was in the Galapagos. Thanks, Julia!

I’d also like to welcome people who are here simply to read. I will gladly feature anyone who comments on all the submissions to The Serialists.

Also, to make it a little easier for those just now discovering this meme, I have set up a page for The Serialists. It’s on a tab at the top of this site.


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