13 Things I Didn’t Do Today

1. I didn’t find my old copy of Dragon Naturally Speaking. Got a lot of cleaning done while looking, but didn’t find it.
2. Didn’t get my words done. Yet.
3. Didn’t get the brand new copy of Dragon that I ran out and bought to work with the audio file I need to convert.
4. Didn’t remember to write my list until just now.
5. Didn’t quite get caught up with the dishes, but did reduce the pile/mountain.
6. Didn’t remember to give my son a ride to an appointment until after I’d already driven to the store to buy the software.
7. Didn’t figure out how I’m going to get my heroine in and out of town.
8. Didn’t get the cats litter box trained yet.
9. Didn’t get any random photos set up.
10. Didn’t get into a word war with my dd, who is also writing a NaNo book.
11. Didn’t know when her math test was until it was too late.
12. Didn’t read one blog because I wasn’t sure which post to read.
13. Didn’t take a much needed nap.


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