13 Rejected Topics

I love Thursday Thirteen. It gives me a chance to goof off because it’s such an open format. Unluckily, sometimes I have a hard time coming up with something. Self-censorship, maybe? Here are thirteen that you won’t be seeing here.

1. 13 places to apply Vaseline.
2. 13 artistic boogers
3. 13 dirty words
4. 13 of my most embarrassing moments
5. 13 pictures of anatomically correct dolls in action
6. 13 of the worse Demotivational posters
7. 13 gory movie scenes I laughed through
8. 13 regrets
9. 13 pictures of my kids
10. 13 blogging failures (I’ve got to weed those out of my archives someday)
11. 13 nasty tricks to pull on your neighbors
12. 13 home addresses
13. 13 of my worst driving habits.

What’s really sad is that I enjoy these kinds of lists on other people’s blogs. But when I go to post on my own….



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