Tag Archives: Anne of Cleves

The Tudor Follies: How Ugly Was She?

Fresh from the keyboard of Mr. Al, here is the latest installment of the love life of Henry the VIII. *** Henry found Anne so unpleasant that he couldn’t do his royal duty with her. No royal duty, no babies. No babies, no point to being married. But what to do? Sending Anne back to Germany would probably spark a war that England couldn’t hope to win. Keeping a wife he found so repulsive that he couldn’t stomach having sex […]


The Tudor Follies: "Next!"

Mr. Al returns with the next segment from the life and times of Henry the VIII.  Next up, Anne of Cleves. ****  It was decided that a nice Protestant princess would fit the bill. A good looking one with large breasts if it could be managed. For the men around Henry, political and foreign relations were paramount. Especially from Cromwell’s perspective. Things weren’t looking good in Europe and England needed an ally to balance against any rapprochement that might spring […]
