Suzie’s House #62: You Can and I Can’t?



Last week, and the week before, we caught Vin and Miranda in bed together.  It was not their first time to do it, but it was their first to get caught.  Suzie was a bit tipsy at the time, but not so far gone she didn’t know what she was seeing.




Suzie hacked off the tops of two carrots with a vicious swing of a cleaver.  She knew darn well a cleaver was overkill for a couple of medium sized carrots, but she swung with gusto anyway.


“Miranda, how could you do it?”


Miranda sat at the kitchen table with her legs crossed, her chin propped up by one hand, the other stirring the coffee in front of her with a dissolute air.


“I tried not to.”  Her voice was small, partly muffled by her hand.


“I knew something was going on .  I just knew it.”  Suzie shoved the carrots into the Cuisenart.  For the seconds of life remaining the vegetables, nothing could be heard, which suited Suzie’s mood very well.  Then she had about three cups of shredded carrots and all the same concerns as before.  “Why couldn’t you have just left him alone?”


“Are you telling me I’m supposed to keep my hands off Vin, but there’s nothing wrong with you boinking Drew?”


“That’s different.”  Suzie transferred the carrots to a serving bowl with a lid.  “I don’t freak out and turn into a rampaging bitch when I’m in love.”


“No.  You turn into a doormat.”


Suzie flinched, then glared at Miranda.


“Sorry.  Forget I said that.  I didn’t mean it.”  Miranda twisted to the side, her mouth an uneven frown.


“See?  It’s already started.”  Suzie shuddered.  Knowing Miranda, things were like to get much, much worse before they were through.  She went to the fridge for a lemon.  “Besides.  Drew and I haven’t done anything.”


“You’re kidding.”


With her hand on the fridge handle, she stopped and sighed.  She’d had such grand schemes for seduction right up until she opened the door to Vin’s room for fear he was dieing of his bullet wounds.  But even though she’d closed the door the instant Vin said, “Don’t you people ever knock?” whatever sparks had been passing between her and Drew were gone.  He’d seen her to her room, then simply left her there.


“I thought for sure last night….  Heck, I thought a week ago….”


Suzie shook her head.


“Crimany.  We are so messed up.  You aren’t doing it when you should be and I am when I shouldn’t.  It’s just….  I can’t help it, Suzie.  I don’t mean to do anything, but then Vin gives this… this look and….  I can’t help it.”


“Fine.  I understand.  I’m amazed it didn’t happen sooner.  Just promise me one thing, Miranda.”


“I  can’t promise I’ll leave him alone, but I’ll try.”  She looked at her coffee like an orphan looking at a bowl of gruel.


“No.  Not that.  What I want you to promise is that this time you’ll step back now and then and clear your head.  When you start to get jealous and scared and crazy the way you do, stop and think what it must look like to Vin, ok?


“Ok.  I’ll try.  I think I can do that.”  Miranda didn’t look very sure of herself, but considering some of the things she’d done over the years in similar circumstances, Suzie couldn’t blame her.


“Don’t worry too much.  I’ll help.”


Miranda quirked an eyebrow.


“When you get crazy, I’ll let you know.  All right?”  Suzie quirked an eyebrow at Miranda.  “Then all you have to do is stop whatever it is you’re doing and think.”


“All right.  I guess that sounds good.  Ok, so are we still on for tomorrow night?”


“You, me and Vin chasing Christina around in my car?  You know it.”





The previous was Suzie’s House 61: A Compromising Position

This is Suzie’s House 62: You Can and I Can’t?

Next is Suzie’s House 63: Brothers in Arms


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