The Serialists of May 1st

Featured Author: Sheilagh Lee

About Mr. Linky, it looks like something has changed in the coding for the linky aggregate. I can no longer see the names of people who have put their links in on the sidebar display while viewing the Blog page. Is it the same for you? If I click on a specific post they are there just like they used to be. How about you? I tried everything I could think of, but couldn’t get it working again. I have a ticket requesting help from Mr. Linky. Hopefully we’ll get this working again.

In the meanwhile, please use the actual post instead of relying entirely on the sidebar when going to visit other participants. 🙂

This is the hub for The Serialists, a meme for people who post original, serialized fiction on their blogs. If you have one or more posts you would like for us to read, please put the direct link(s) to the post(s) in the linky. Remember to visit one another and comment. We all want to hear from our readers.


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