Jack and Jill Went Up the File Cabinet

bendies can do that

They can do that sort of thing without rope because they are bendies and have magnets in their feet.

They went up the file cabinet to get the bucket of paint.  They recently decided to move, which means they get to do all sorts of things like paint the house and fix the faucet and call a real estate agent.

Jack:  It’s white.  I know it’s white.

Jill:  It better not be white.  I want Burnt Sienna.

Jack:  Stop being unreasonable.  You know you have to paint the house white when you are trying to sell it.  It isn’t like we have to live with it.

Jill:  *sigh*  I guess not.  But if it’s Burnt Sienna we are still using it.

Poor Jack and Jill.  They have no idea what they are in for.

Photohunt can also be found here.


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  1. Pingback: Jack and Jill Paint the House « Alice’s Restaurant

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