Goodbye Trailer Court!

Some of you all might remember that my family and I moved into a real house a while back. What I might not have mentioned is that I’ve been working on fixing up the trailer ever since. Mostly it’s been a matter of painting as fast as carpel tunnel would allow, but some of it involved replacement of walls that acquired holes and just general repair. I’ve been at Lowes or Home Depot at least once a week all this time.

Finally, I placed a classified ad in the local paper. It came out Monday. I got the first call even before I shoveled the kids out the door to go to school and made an appointment to show the place at noon.

The guy who bought it had another place he was thinking about, but made a reasonable offer, which I accepted on the terms that we close before the end of the month. The trailer park where it’s sitting requires and application process for both trailers moving in and people moving in. I had to paint part of a porch in order for the trailer to pass. He got the green light on Friday, and we made the exchange of money for title right then.

Although I had a number of other people inquire about the trailer, I didn’t have any other firm offers. On Friday I had several people call about it, but by then it was a done deal. I might have gotten a little more money for the trailer, but frankly the release of responsibility for it is enough to make it worth it.

We only lived there for three years, but a lot happened in that time. I wrote and published Moving In while living there. I also wrote a lot of Suzie’s House posts, though I’d already been doing it a while before me moved in. I wrote the rough drafts for Remember Me and Crazy Love, and started on Beautiful Spanish Hussy while there. I posted Fiction Friday 55s about my neighbors.

The Girl did her entire middle school tenure there. The Boy got into his first serious romantic relationship while there, and ended his last one just before we moved. They are both ecstatic to be living where we do now.

Our houseplants proliferated like crazy. I always thought trailer houses were supposed to be dark and dank, but this one always had a ton of sunlight coming in, even with porches on both sides. Now I’m struggling to find homes for them all in our house.

We bought the trailer to act as a transition, and that’s exactly what it did. I’m very, very glad it all worked out for us. I’m even more glad that I will never have to go back there.


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